B R O C H U R E . . . O N G O I N G  . . .

Promoted by the Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terroristic Operations (REFAATO) in the framework of the World Bank Emergency Operation Development Project, the project’s key objective is to carry-out a Rapid Field Survey (RFS) of residential housing damage and to design of a housing reconstruction subsidy scheme for in the 7 Iraqi cities of Tikrit, Dour and Al Dalooeyya, Al Alam, Jalula, As-Sadiya and Al-AAzeem. The aim of the RFS is to evaluate the extent of housing reconstruction needs and inform the selection of beneficiaries and the design of an appropriate housing reconstruction subsidy scheme, through Context, Actors and Sector analysis which include technical workshops in both Lebanon and Bosnia and Herzegovina aimed at learning from the respective past experiences and policies adopted by both countries in areas related to post-conflict housing reconstruction.

Year:2017 – ongoing

Client: Reconstruction Fund for Areas Affected by Terroristic Operations (REFAATO)

Team:  Daniele Pini, Filippo Boschi, Anna Trazzi – consultant for Open project SRL (Italy)

Partners: Regional Bureau for design & consultation (Iraq)

Policy Options for the Design of a Housing Reconstruction Subsidy Scheme for 7 Iraqi cities.

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